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        --〉按回溯数据库浏览: Springer     OUP     Nature     IOP     Turpion     OVID     RSC     BMJ     IET     ADIS     AIP     NRC     RSNA     MAL     Karger     [WILEY]     Taylor     ASPB     JAMA     Degruyter     NEJM    
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        高级检索 期刊浏览

        共 1197 种期刊

        序号 刊名 ISSN 收录起止年
        1 American Journal of Agricultural Economics 0002-9092 1919-1996
        2 American Journal of Botany 0002-9122 1914-1996
        3 AORN Journal 0001-2092 2006-2012
        4 Archiv für das Eisenhüttenwesen 0003-8962 2016-2016
        5 Australian Economic History Review 0004-8992 1967-1996
        6 Australian Journal of Experimental Biology and Medical Science 0004-945X 1924-1986
        7 Australian Journal of Social Issues 0157-6321 2016-2016
        8 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 0024-6093 1969-2016
        9 Chemischer Informationsdienst 0009-2975 2016-2016
        10 Ecological Applications 1051-0761 1991-1996
        11 Ecological Monographs 0012-9615 1931-1996
        12 Ecology 0012-9658 1920-1996
        13 Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management 1055-615X 2014-2014
        14 International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience 0736-5748 1997-2006
        15 Journal of Addictions&Offender Counseling 1055-3835 2011-2012
        16 Journal of Agronomic Education 0094-2391 2020-2020
        17 Journal of Consumer Psychology 1057-7408 2008-2008
        18 Journal of Leukocyte Biology 0741-5400 1984-1996
        19 Journal of Neuroimaging 1051-2284 1995-2016
        20 Journal of Non‐White Concerns in Personnel and Guidance 0090-5461 2011-2012
        21 Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 0148-6071 1977-1996
        22 Journal of Purchasing 0022-4030 1965-1973
        23 Journal of the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 0020-6695 2016-2016
        24 Journal of the London Mathematical Society 0024-6107 1926-2016
        25 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Methodological) 0035-9246 2018-2018
        26 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics) 0035-9254 2018-2018
        27 Journal of the Statistical Society of London 0959-5341 2018-2018
        28 Journal ‐ American Water Works Association 0003-150X 1914-1996
        29 Mathematika 0025-5793 1954-1994
        30 Medical Journal of Australia 0025-729X 1914-2019
        31 Medical Physics 0094-2405 1998-2003
        32 Nutrition in Clinical Practice 0884-5336 1986-1996
        33 Opflow 0149-8029 1975-1996
        34 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 0024-6115 1865-2016
        35 SPATE: Journal of Student Personnel Association for Teacher Education 0036-1836 2011-2012
        36 TAXON 0040-0262 1989-2019
        37 The Curriculum Journal 0958-5176 1990-2006
        38 The FASEB Journal 0892-6638 1987-1996
        39 The Incorporated Statistician 1466-9404 2018-2018
        40 The Journal of Periodontology 1049-8885 1931-2019
        41 Water Environment Research 1061-4303 1992-1996
        42 AAHE‐ERIC/Higher Education Research Report 0737-1764 1974-1982
        43 Abacus 0001-3072 1965-1996
        44 Academic Emergency Medicine 1069-6563 1994-1996
        45 Accounting&Finance 0810-5391 1979-1996
        46 Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 0001-5172 1957-1996
        47 Acta Biotechnologica 0138-4988 1980-2000
        48 Acta Botanica Neerlandica 0044-5983 1952-1996
        49 Acta Chimica Sinica English Edition 0256-7660 1983-1989
        50 Acta Crystallographica 0365-110X 1948-1967
        51 Acta Crystallographica Section A 0567-7394 1968-1996
        52 Acta Crystallographica Section B 0567-7408 1968-1996
        53 Acta Crystallographica Section C 0108-2701 1983-1996
        54 Acta Crystallographica Section D 1399-0047 1993-1996
        55 Acta Geologica Sinica ‐ English Edition 1000-9515 1988-1996
        56 Acta Geologica Sinica‐English 0001-5717 1986-1987
        57 Acta hydrochimica et hydrobiologica 0323-4320 1973-1997
        58 Acta Medica Scandinavica 0001-6101 1919-1988
        59 Acta Neurologica Scandinavica 0001-6314 1961-1996
        60 Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 0001-6349 1921-1996
        61 Acta Ophthalmologica 1755-375X 1923-1994
        62 Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica 1395-3907 1995-1996
        63 Acta Paediatrica 0803-5253 1976-1996
        64 Acta Pathologica Microbiologica Scandinavica 0365-5555 1924-1969
        65 Acta Pathologica Microbiologica Scandinavica Section A Pathology 0365-4184 1970-1981
        66 Acta Pathologica Microbiologica Scandinavica Section B Microbiology 0304-131X 1975-1981
        67 Acta Pathologica Microbiologica Scandinavica Section B Microbiology and Immunology 0365-5563 1970-1974
        68 Acta Pathologica Microbiologica Scandinavica Section C Immunology 0304-1328 1975-1981
        69 Acta Pathologica Microbiologica Scandinavica Series A :Pathology 0108-0164 1982-1987
        70 Acta Pathologica Microbiologica Scandinavica Series B: Microbiology 0108-0180 1982-1987
        71 Acta Pathologica Microbiologica Scandinavica Series C: Immunology 0108-0202 1982-1987
        72 Acta Pharmacologica et Toxicologica 0001-6683 1945-1986
        73 Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 0001-6772 1940-1997
        74 Acta Polymerica 0323-7648 1979-1997
        75 Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 0001-690X 1926-1996
        76 Acta Pædiatrica 0803-5253 1921-1996
        77 Acta Zoologica 0001-7272 1920-1996
        78 Addiction 0965-2140 1993-1996
        79 Addiction Biology 1355-6215 1996-1996
        80 Advanced Materials 0935-9648 1989-1997
        81 Advanced Materials for Optics and Electronics 1057-9257 1992-1996
        82 Advances in Ethology 0931-4202 1953-1987
        83 Advances in Polymer Technology 0730-6679 1981-1995
        84 African Development Review 1017-6772 1989-1996
        85 African Journal of Ecology 0141-6707 1963-1996
        86 Aggressive Behavior 0096-140X 1974-1995
        87 Agribusiness 0742-4477 1985-1995
        88 AIChE Journal 0001-1541 1955-1997
        89 Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 0145-6008 1977-1996
        90 Alimentary Pharmacology&Therapeutics 0269-2813 1987-1996
        91 Allergy 0105-4538 1948-1996
        92 Alternatives to the High Cost of Litigation 1549-4373 1983-1995
        93 American Documentation 0096-946X 1950-1969
        94 American Journal of Anatomy 0002-9106 1901-1991
        95 American Journal of Hematology 0361-8609 1976-1997
        96 American Journal of Human Biology 1042-0533 1989-1995
        97 American Journal of Industrial Medicine 0271-3586 1980-1995
        98 American Journal of Medical Genetics 0148-7299 1977-1995
        99 American Journal of Physical Anthropology 0002-9483 1918-1995
        100 American Journal of Primatology 0275-2565 1981-1995
        101 American Journal of Reproductive Immunology 0271-7352 1980-1984
        102 Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia 0340-2096 1972-1996
        103 Andrologia 0303-4569 1969-1996
        104 Angewandte Chemie 0044-8249 1887-1997
        105 Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English 0570-0833 1962-1997
        106 Animal Blood Groups and Biochemical Genetics 0003-3480 1970-1985
        107 Animal Genetics 0268-9146 1986-1996
        108 Annalen der Pharmacie 0365-5490 1832-1839
        109 Annalen der Physik 0003-3804 1799-1997
        110 Annals of Applied Biology 0003-4746 1914-1996
        111 Annals of Eugenics 2050-1420 1925-1953
        112 Annals of Human Genetics 0003-4800 1954-1996
        113 Annals of Neurology 0364-5134 1977-1998
        114 Annals of Noninvasive Electrocardiology 1082-720X 1996-1996
        115 Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics 1370-4788 1925-1996
        116 Annals of The Lyceum of Natural History of New York 0890-6564 1824-1876
        117 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 0077-8923 1879-1996
        118 Annual Bulletin of Historical Literature 0066-3832 1913-1996
        119 Antipode 0066-4812 1969-1996
        120 APMIS 0903-4641 1988-1996
        121 Applied Cognitive Psychology 0888-4080 1987-1995
        122 Applied Organometallic Chemistry 0268-2605 1987-1995
        123 Applied Psychology 0269-994X 1952-1996
        124 Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis 8755-0024 1985-1995
        125 Aquaculture Nutrition 1353-5773 1995-1996
        126 Aquaculture Research 1355-557X 1970-1996
        127 Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 1052-7613 1991-1995
        128 Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy 0905-7196 1990-1996
        129 Archaeometry 0003-813X 1958-1996
        130 Archiv der Pharmazie 0365-6233 1822-1997
        131 Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology 0739-4462 1983-1996
        132 ARN Journal 0362-3505 1975-1977
        133 Art History 0141-6790 1978-1996
        134 Arthritis&Rheumatism 0004-3591 1958-1998
        135 Artificial Organs 0160-564X 1977-1996
        136 ASHE‐ERIC Higher Education Report 0884-0040 1972-2000
        137 ASHE‐ERIC/Higher Education Research Report 0737-1292 1983-1984
        138 Asian Economic Journal 1351-3958 1987-1996
        139 Asian‐Pacific Economic Literature 0818-9935 1987-1996
        140 Asia‐Oceania Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 0389-2328 1980-1994
        141 Assessment Update 1041-6099 1989-1996
        142 Astronomische Nachrichten 0004-6337 1823-1998
        143 Austral Ecology 1442-9985 2015-2015
        144 Australasian Journal of Dermatology 0004-8380 1951-1996
        145 Australasian Radiology 0004-8461 1957-1996
        146 Australian Accounting Review 1035-6908 1991-1996
        147 Australian Alcohol/Drug Review 0726-4550 1982-1985
        148 Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy 0814-723X 1985-1996
        149 Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine 0004-8291 1971-1996
        150 Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 0004-8666 1961-1996
        151 Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 1326-0200 1996-1996
        152 Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery 0004-8682 1931-1996
        153 Australian Dental Journal 0045-0421 1956-1996
        154 Australian Drug and Alcohol Review 0819-5331 1986-1989
        155 Australian Economic Papers 0004-900X 1962-1996
        156 Australian Economic Review 0004-9018 1968-1996
        157 Australian Geographical Studies 0004-9190 1963-1996
        158 Australian Journal of Ecology 0307-692X 1976-1996
        159 Australian Journal of Family Therapy 0156-8779 1979-1984
        160 Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 1322-7130 1995-1996
        161 Australian Journal of Politics&History 0004-9522 1955-1996
        162 Australian Journal of Psychology 0004-9530 1949-1996
        163 Australian Journal of Public Administration 0313-6647 1937-1996
        164 Australian Journal of Public Health 1035-7319 1991-1995
        165 Australian Journal of Rural Health 1038-5282 1992-1996
        166 Australian Journal of Statistics 0004-9581 1959-1996
        167 Australian Journal on Ageing 0726-4240 1982-1996
        168 Australian Psychologist 0005-0067 1966-1996
        169 Australian Veterinary Journal 0005-0423 1925-1996
        170 Basin Research 0950-091X 1988-1996
        171 Behavioral Interventions 1072-0847 1986-1995
        172 Behavioral Science 0005-7940 1956-1995
        173 Behavioral Sciences&the Law 0735-3936 1983-1995
        174 Beiträge aus der Plasmaphysik 0005-8025 1960-1987
        175 Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für physikalische Chemie 0005-9021 1963-1998
        176 Berichte der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft 0365-9631 1884-1987
        177 Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft 0365-9496 1868-1918
        178 Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 0170-6233 1978-2001
        179 Bioelectromagnetics 0197-8462 1980-1995
        180 BioEssays 0265-9247 1984-1997
        181 Bioethics 0269-9702 1987-1996
        182 Bioimaging 0966-9051 1993-1995
        183 Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 0024-4066 1969-1996
        184 Biological Mass Spectrometry 0306-042X 1974-1994
        185 Biological Reviews 1464-7931 1923-1996
        186 Biologie in unserer Zeit 0045-205X 1971-1999
        187 Biology of the Cell 0248-4900 1984-1996
        188 Biomedical Chromatography 0269-3879 1986-1995
        189 Biomedical&Environmental Mass Spectrometry 0887-6134 1987-1989
        190 Biometrical Journal 0323-3847 1977-1997
        191 Biometrische Zeitschrift 0006-3452 1959-1976
        192 Biopharmaceutics&Drug Disposition 0142-2782 1979-1995
        193 Biopolymers 0006-3525 1963-1995
        194 Biospectroscopy 1075-4261 1995-1999
        195 Biotechnology and Bioengineering 0006-3592 1962-1995
        196 Biotechnology Progress 8756-7938 1985-1995
        197 Birth 0730-7659 1973-1996
        198 BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics&Gynaecology 1470-0328 1902-1996
        199 Board Leadership 1061-4249 1992-1999
        200 Bodenkunde und Pflanzenernährung 0366-2136 1936-1945
        201 Boreas 0300-9483 1972-1996
        202 Botanica Acta 0932-8629 1988-1996
        203 Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 0024-4074 1969-1996
        204 Brain Pathology 1015-6305 1990-1996
        205 British Educational Research Journal 0141-1926 1978-1996
        206 British Journal of Addiction 0952-0481 1980-1992
        207 British Journal of Addiction to Alcohol&Other Drugs 0007-0890 1947-1979
        208 British Journal of Clinical Psychology 0144-6657 1981-1996
        209 British Journal of Dermatology 0007-0963 1892-1996
        210 British Journal of Developmental Psychology 0261-510X 1983-1996
        211 British Journal of Educational Psychology 0007-0998 1931-1996
        212 British Journal of Educational Technology 0007-1013 1970-1996
        213 British Journal of Haematology 0007-1048 1955-1996
        214 British Journal of Health Psychology 1359-107X 1996-2015
        215 British Journal of Industrial Relations 0007-1080 1963-1996
        216 British Journal of Inebriety 0366-0796 1903-1946
        217 British Journal of Learning Disabilities 1354-4187 1994-1996
        218 British Journal of Management 1045-3172 1990-1996
        219 British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 0007-1102 1965-1996
        220 British Journal of Medical Psychology 0007-1129 1920-1996
        221 British Journal of Psychology 0007-1269 1955-1996
        222 British Journal of Psychology, 1904‐1920 0950-5652 1904-1920
        223 British Journal of Psychology. General Section 0373-2460 1920-1954
        224 British Journal of Psychotherapy 0265-9883 1984-1996
        225 British Journal of Social Psychology 0144-6665 1981-1996
        226 British Journal of Special Education 0952-3383 1974-1996
        227 British Journal of Statistical Psychology 0950-561X 1947-1964
        228 British Journal of Surgery 0007-1323 1913-1997
        229 British Journal of Urology 0007-1331 1929-1996
        230 British Polymer Journal 0007-1641 1969-1990
        231 Bulletin des Sociétés Chimiques Belges 0037-9646 1945-1996
        232 Bulletin of Economic Research 0307-3378 1948-1996
        233 Bulletin of the American College of Nurse‐Midwifery 0098-3721 1955-1968
        234 Bulletin of the American College of Nurse‐Midwives 0002-8002 1969-1972
        235 Bulletin of the American Society of Veterinary Clinical Pathologists 0147-0701 1972-1976
        236 Bulletin of the Geological Society of China 1673-274X 1922-1951
        237 Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 0076-0730 1954-1996
        238 Bulletin of the Oxford University Institute of Economics&Statistics 0140-5543 1939-1972
        239 Business Ethics: A European Review 0962-8770 1992-1996
        240 Business Strategy and the Environment 0964-4733 1992-1995
        241 Business Strategy Review 0955-6419 1990-1996
        242 Canadian Geographer / Le Géographe canadien 0008-3658 1950-1996
        243 Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences / Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l'Administration 0825-0383 1984-1996
        244 Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics/Revue canadienne d'agroeconomie 0008-3976 1952-1996
        245 Canadian Journal of Statistics 0319-5724 1973-1996
        246 Canadian Public Administration 0008-4840 1958-1996
        247 Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de sociologie 1755-6171 1964-1996
        248 Cardiovascular Drug Reviews 0897-5957 1983-1996
        249 Catheterization and Cardiovascular Diagnosis 0098-6569 1975-1995
        250 Cell Biochemistry and Function 0263-6484 1983-1995
        251 Cell Biology International 1065-6995 1993-1996
        252 Cell Motility 0271-6585 1980-1985
        253 Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton 0886-1544 1986-1995
        254 Cell Proliferation 0960-7722 1968-1996
        255 Centaurus 0008-8994 1950-1996
        256 Chemical Engineering&Technology 0930-7516 1987-1997
        257 Chemical Vapor Deposition 0948-1907 1995-1997
        258 Chemie in unserer Zeit 0009-2851 1967-1999
        259 Chemie Ingenieur Technik 0009-286X 1949-1999
        260 ChemInform 0931-7597 1991-2016
        261 Chemische Berichte 0009-2940 1947-1997
        262 Chemische Revue über die Fett‐ und Harz‐Industrie 0366-7960 1894-1915
        263 Chemische Umschau auf dem Gebiet der Fette, Oele, Wachse und Harze 0366-8320 1916-1932
        264 Chemistry – A European Journal 0947-6539 1995-1997
        265 CHEMKON 0944-5846 1994-2001
        266 Child Abuse Review 0952-9136 1992-1995
        267 Child Psychology and Psychiatry Review 1360-6417 1996-1996
        268 Child&Family Social Work 1356-7500 1996-1996
        269 Child: Care, Health and Development 0305-1862 1975-1996
        270 Children&Society 0951-0605 1987-1996
        271 Chinese Journal of Chemistry 1001-604X 1990-2004
        272 Chirality 0899-0042 1989-1995
        273 Cladistics 0748-3007 1985-1996
        274 Clinical Anatomy 0897-3806 1988-1995
        275 Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 0307-6938 1976-1996
        276 Clinical and Experimental Optometry 0816-4622 1986-1996
        277 Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology 0305-1870 1974-1996
        278 Clinical Endocrinology 0300-0664 1972-1996
        279 Clinical Genetics 0009-9163 1970-1996
        280 Clinical Oral Implants Research 0905-7161 1990-1996
        281 Clinical Otolaryngology&Allied Sciences 0307-7772 1976-1996
        282 Clinical Pharmacology&Therapeutics 0009-9236 1980-1996
        283 Clinical Physiology 0144-5979 1981-1996
        284 Clinical Progress in Electrophysiology and Pacing 8756-9264 1985-1986
        285 Clinical Progress in Pacing and Electrophysiology 0736-6108 1983-1984
        286 Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice 0969-5893 1994-1996
        287 Clinical&Experimental Allergy 0954-7894 1971-1996
        288 Clinical&Laboratory Haematology 0141-9854 1979-1996
        289 CNS Drug Reviews 1080-563X 1995-1996
        290 College Student Personnel Abstracts 0010-1168 1965-1984
        291 Color Research&Application 0361-2317 1977-1995
        292 Communication Theory 1050-3293 1991-1996
        293 Communications in Applied Numerical Methods 0748-8025 1985-1992
        294 Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 1069-8299 1993-1995
        295 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 0010-3640 1948-1995
        296 Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology 0301-5661 1973-1996
        297 Community Health Studies 0314-9021 1977-1990
        298 Competitive Intelligence Review 1058-0247 1990-1997
        299 Computational Intelligence 0824-7935 1985-1996
        300 Computer Applications in Engineering Education 1061-3773 1992-1996
        301 Computer Graphics Forum 0167-7055 1982-1996
        302 Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 1093-9687 1986-1996
        303 Concepts in Magnetic Resonance 1043-7347 1989-1995
        304 Concurrency: Practice and Experience 1040-3108 1989-1995
        305 Conflict Resolution Quarterly 1536-5581 2002-2002
        306 Congenital Anomalies 0914-3505 1984-1996
        307 Constellations 1351-0487 1994-1996
        308 Contact Dermatitis 0105-1873 1975-1996
        309 Contemporary Accounting Research 0823-9150 1984-1996
        310 Contemporary Economic Policy 1074-3529 1982-1996
        311 Contributions of the Meteoritical Society 0096-2805 1947-1951
        312 Contributions of the Society for Research on Meteorites 0096-2813 1935-1946
        313 Contributions to Plasma Physics 0863-1042 1988-1999
        314 Corporate Governance: An International Review 0964-8410 1993-1996
        315 Counseling and Values 0160-7960 1973-1996
        316 Counselor Education and Supervision 0011-0035 1961-1996
        317 Creativity and Innovation Management 0963-1690 1992-1996
        318 Criminology 0011-1384 1963-1996
        319 Critical Quarterly 0011-1562 1959-1996
        320 Crystal Research and Technology 0232-1300 1982-1997
        321 Curator: The Museum Journal 0011-3069 1958-1996
        322 Curtis's Botanical Magazine 1355-4905 1984-1996
        323 Cytopathology 0956-5507 1990-1996
        324 Decision Sciences 0011-7315 1970-1996
        325 Dental Traumatology 1600-4469 1985-1996
        326 Design Management Journal (Former Series) 1045-7194 1989-1996
        327 Development and Change 0012-155X 1970-1996
        328 Development Policy Review 0950-6764 1966-1996
        329 Developmental Dynamics 1058-8388 1992-1995
        330 Developmental Genetics 0192-253X 1979-1995
        331 Developmental Medicine&Child Neurology 0012-1622 1958-1996
        332 Developmental Psychobiology 0012-1630 1968-1995
        333 Diabetes/Metabolism Reviews 0742-4221 1985-1996
        334 Diagnostic Cytopathology 8755-1039 1985-1995
        335 Dialectica 0012-2017 1947-1996
        336 Die Angewandte Makromolekulare Chemie 0003-3146 1967-1997
        337 Die Makromolekulare Chemie 0025-116X 1947-1993
        338 Die Makromolekulare Chemie, Rapid Communications 0173-2803 1980-1993
        339 Digest of Middle East Studies 1060-4367 1992-1996
        340 Digestive Endoscopy 0915-5635 1989-1996
        341 Disasters 0361-3666 1977-1996
        342 Drug and Alcohol Review 0959-5236 1989-1996
        343 Drug Development Research 0272-4391 1981-1995
        344 Early Development and Parenting 1057-3593 1992-1995
        345 Early Medieval Europe 0963-9462 1992-1996
        346 Earth Surface Processes 0360-1269 1976-1980
        347 Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 0197-9337 1981-1995
        348 Earthquake Engineering&Structural Dynamics 0098-8847 1972-1995
        349 Echocardiography 0742-2822 1984-1996
        350 Ecological Entomology 0307-6946 1976-2015
        351 Ecology of Freshwater Fish 0906-6691 1992-1996
        352 Economic Affairs 0265-0665 1980-1996
        353 Economic Inquiry 0095-2583 1962-1996
        354 Economic Outlook 0140-489X 1977-1996
        355 Economic Papers: A journal of applied economics and policy 0812-0439 1956-1996
        356 Economic Record 0013-0249 1925-1996
        357 Economics of Transition 0967-0750 1993-1996
        358 Economics&Politics 0954-1985 1989-1996
        359 Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice 0731-1745 1982-1996
        360 Educational Theory 0013-2004 1951-1996
        361 Electrical Engineering in Japan 0424-7760 1972-1996
        362 Electroanalysis 1040-0397 1989-1997
        363 Electronics and Communications in Japan (Part I: Communications) 8756-6621 1980-1996
        364 Electronics and Communications in Japan (Part II: Electronics) 8756-663X 1985-1996
        365 Electronics and Communications in Japan (Part III: Fundamental Electronic Science) 1042-0967 1989-1996
        366 ELECTROPHORESIS 0173-0835 1980-1998
        367 Emergency Medicine 1035-6851 1991-1996
        368 Employment Relations Today 0745-7790 1983-2000
        369 English in Education 0425-0494 1964-1996
        370 English Literary Renaissance 0013-8312 1971-1996
        371 Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis 0893-6692 1987-1995
        372 Environmental Mutagenesis 0192-2521 1979-1988
        373 Environmental Progress 0278-4491 1982-1999
        374 Environmental Quality Management 1088-1913 1991-1999
        375 Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 0730-7268 1982-1996
        376 Environmental Toxicology and Water Quality 1053-4725 1991-1995
        377 Environmetrics 1180-4009 1990-1995
        378 Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 0002-8606 1920-1996
        379 Epilepsia 0013-9580 1909-1996
        380 EPPO Bulletin 0250-8052 1971-1996
        381 Equine Veterinary Education 0957-7734 1989-1996
        382 Equine Veterinary Journal 0425-1644 1968-1996
        383 Ethology 0179-1613 1986-1996
        384 European Eating Disorders Review 1072-4133 1993-1995
        385 European Environment 0961-0405 1991-1995
        386 European Financial Management 1354-7798 1995-1996
        387 European Journal of Cancer Care 0961-5423 1992-1996
        388 European Journal of Clinical Investigation 0014-2972 1970-1996
        389 European Journal of Forest Pathology 0300-1237 1971-1996
        390 European Journal of Haematology 0902-4441 1986-1996
        391 European Journal of Immunology 0014-2980 1971-1997
        392 European Journal of Neurology 1351-5101 1994-1996
        393 European Journal of Neuroscience 0953-816X 1989-1996
        394 European Journal of Oral Sciences 0909-8836 1970-1996
        395 European Journal of Personality 0890-2070 1987-1995
        396 European Journal of Philosophy 0966-8373 1993-1996
        397 European Journal of Political Research 0304-4130 1973-1996
        398 European Journal of Social Psychology 0046-2772 1971-1995
        399 European Journal of Soil Science 1351-0754 1994-1996
        400 European Law Journal 1351-5993 1995-1996
        401 European Transactions on Electrical Power 1430-144X 1991-2003
        402 European Transactions on Telecommunications 1124-318X 1990-2003
        403 Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues, News, and Reviews 1060-1538 1992-1995
        404 Experimental Dermatology 0906-6705 1992-1996
        405 Expert Systems 0266-4720 1984-1996
        406 Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal 1077-727X 1972-1996
        407 Family Court Review 1531-2445 1963-1996
        408 Family Process 0014-7370 1962-1996
        409 Fatigue&Fracture of Engineering Materials&Structures 8756-758X 1979-1996
        410 Feddes Repertorium 0014-8962 1965-2001
        411 Federal Facilities Environmental Journal 1048-4078 1995-2000
        412 Fettchemische Umschau 0367-2107 1933-1935
        413 Fette und Seifen 0367-3278 1936-1952
        414 Fette, Seifen, Anstrichmittel 0015-038X 1953-1986
        415 Financial Accountability&Management 0267-4424 1985-1996
        416 Financial Review 0732-8516 1969-1996
        417 Fire and Materials 0308-0501 1976-1995
        418 Fiscal Studies 0143-5671 1979-1996
        419 Fisheries Management and Ecology 0969-997X 1994-1996
        420 Fisheries Oceanography 1054-6006 1992-1996
        421 Flavour and Fragrance Journal 0882-5734 1985-1995
        422 Food / Nahrung 0027-769X 1957-1997
        423 Foodservice Research International 1524-8275 1980-1996
        424 Foreign Language Annals 0015-718X 1967-1996
        425 Fortschritte der Physik 0015-8208 1953-1986
        426 Fortschritte der Physik/Progress of Physics 0015-8208 1983-1997
        427 Freshwater Biology 0046-5070 1971-1996
        428 Fundamental&Clinical Pharmacology 0767-3981 1987-1996
        429 Gamete Research 0148-7280 1978-1989
        430 Gender&History 0953-5233 1989-1996
        431 Gender, Work&Organization 0968-6673 1994-1996
        432 General Science Quarterly 0097-0352 1916-1929
        433 Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer 1045-2257 1989-1995
        434 Genetic Epidemiology 0741-0395 1984-1995
        435 Geoarchaeology 0883-6353 1986-1995
        436 Geological Journal 0072-1050 1951-1995
        437 Geology Today 0266-6979 1985-1996
        438 Geophysical Prospecting 0016-8025 1953-1996
        439 Geophysical Research Letters 0094-8276 1974-1996
        440 Geostandards Newsletter 0150-5505 1977-1996
        441 German Life and Letters 0016-8777 1936-1996
        442 Gerodontology 0734-0664 1982-1996
        443 Glia 0894-1491 1988-1995
        444 Global Biogeochemical Cycles 0886-6236 1987-1996
        445 Global Change Biology 1354-1013 1995-1996
        446 Governance 0952-1895 1988-1996
        447 GPSA Journal: The Georgia Political Science Association 0092-9395 1973-1980
        448 Grass and Forage Science 0142-5242 1946-1996
        449 Groundwater 0017-467X 1963-1996
        450 Groundwater Monitoring&Remediation 1069-3629 1981-1996
        451 Growth and Change 0017-4815 1970-1996
        452 Haemophilia 1351-8216 1995-1996
        453 Hastings Center Report 0093-0334 1971-1996
        454 Head&Neck 1043-3074 1989-1995
        455 Head&Neck Surgery 0148-6403 1978-1988
        456 Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain 0017-8748 1961-1996
        457 Health Economics 1057-9230 1992-1995
        458 Health&Social Care in the Community 0966-0410 1993-1996
        459 Helicobacter 1083-4389 1996-1996
        460 Helvetica Chimica Acta 0018-019X 1918-1998
        461 Hematological Oncology 0278-0232 1983-1995
        462 Hepatology 0270-9139 1981-1995
        463 Heteroatom Chemistry 1042-7163 1990-1995
        464 Higher Education Abstracts 0748-4364 1984-1996
        465 Higher Education Quarterly 0951-5224 1947-1996
        466 Hippocampus 1050-9631 1991-1995
        467 Histopathology 0309-0167 1977-1996
        468 Historian 0018-2370 1938-1996
        469 Historical Research 0950-3471 1923-1996
        470 History 0018-2648 1916-1996
        471 Home Economics Research Journal 0046-7774 1974-1994
        472 Human Brain Mapping 1065-9471 1993-1995
        473 Human Communication Research 0360-3989 1974-1996
        474 Human Mutation 1059-7794 1992-1995
        475 Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental 0885-6222 1986-1995
        476 Human Resource Development Quarterly 1044-8004 1990-1999
        477 Human Resource Management 0090-4848 1961-1995
        478 Human Resource Management Journal 0954-5395 1990-1996
        479 Hydrological Processes 0885-6087 1986-1995
        480 Hypatia 0887-5367 1986-1996
        481 Ibis 0019-1019 1859-1996
        482 Image 0363-2792 1967-1982
        483 Image: the Journal of Nursing Scholarship 0743-5150 1983-1996
        484 Immunological Reviews 0105-2896 1969-1996
        485 INCOSE International Symposium 2334-5837 1991-1996
        486 Indoor Air 0905-6947 1991-1996
        487 Industrial Relations Journal 0019-8692 1970-1996
        488 Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society 0019-8676 1961-1996
        489 Infant Mental Health Journal 0163-9641 1980-1995
        490 Information Systems Journal 1350-1917 1991-1996
        491 Insect Molecular Biology 0962-1075 1992-1996
        492 Insect Science 1672-9609 1994-1996
        493 INSIGHT 2156-485X 1994-1996
        494 International Endodontic Journal 0143-2885 1967-1996
        495 International Insolvency Review 1180-0518 1990-1998
        496 International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 0363-9061 1977-1995
        497 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 0029-5981 1969-1995
        498 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 0271-2091 1981-1995
        499 International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing 0890-6327 1987-1995
        500 International Journal of Andrology 0105-6263 1978-1996
        501 International Journal of Applied Linguistics 0802-6106 1991-1996
        502 International Journal of Cancer 0020-7136 1966-2015
        503 International Journal of Chemical Kinetics 0538-8066 1969-1995
        504 International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications 0098-9886 1973-1995
        505 International Journal of Climatology 0899-8418 1989-1995
        506 International Journal of Communication Systems 1074-5351 1994-1995
        507 International Journal of Cosmetic Science 0142-5463 1979-1996
        508 International Journal of Dairy Technology 1364-727X 1947-1996
        509 International Journal of Dermatology 0011-9059 1963-1996
        510 International Journal of Digital&Analog Cabled Systems 0894-3222 1988-1989
        511 International Journal of Digital&Analog Communication Systems 1047-9627 1990-1993
        512 International Journal of Eating Disorders 0276-3478 1981-1995
        513 International Journal of Energy Research 0363-907X 1977-1995
        514 International Journal of Food Science&Technology 0950-5423 1966-1996
        515 International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 0885-6230 1986-1995
        516 International Journal of Human Factors in Manufacturing 1045-2699 1991-1995
        517 International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology 0899-9457 1989-1995
        518 International Journal of Immunogenetics 1744-3121 1974-1996
        519 International Journal of Intelligent Systems 0884-8173 1986-1995
        520 International Journal of Japanese Sociology 0918-7545 1992-1996
        521 International Journal of Language&Communication Disorders 1368-2822 1966-1996
        522 International Journal of Microwave and Millimeter‐Wave Computer‐Aided Engineering 1050-1827 1991-1995
        523 International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 1057-2414 1972-1996
        524 International Journal of Network Management 1055-7148 1991-1995
        525 International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields 0894-3370 1988-1995
        526 International Journal of Nursing Practice 1322-7114 1995-1996
        527 International Journal of Nursing Terminologies and Classifications 1541-5147 1990-1996
        528 International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 1047-482X 1991-1995
        529 International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 0960-7439 1991-1996
        530 International Journal of Peptide and Protein Research 0367-8377 1972-1996
        531 International Journal of Pharmacy Practice 0961-7671 1991-1996
        532 International Journal of Population Geography 1077-3495 1995-1996
        533 International Journal of Protein Research 0020-7551 1969-1971
        534 International Journal of Psychology 0020-7594 1966-1996
        535 International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 0020-7608 1967-1995
        536 International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 1049-8923 1991-1995
        537 International Journal of Satellite Communications 0737-2884 1983-1995
        538 International Journal of Selection and Assessment 0965-075X 1993-1996
        539 International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 0309-1317 1977-1996
        540 International Journal of Urology 0919-8172 1994-1996
        541 International Migration 0020-7985 1963-1996
        542 International Review of Hydrobiology 1434-2944 1998-1999
        543 International Review of Mission 0020-8582 1912-1996
        544 International Social Security Review 0020-871X 1967-1996
        545 International Zoo Yearbook 0074-9664 1960-1995
        546 Internationale Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie und Hydrographie 0020-9309 1908-1997
        547 Island Arc 1038-4871 1992-1996
        548 Israel Journal of Chemistry 0021-2148 1963-1999
        549 Japanese Economic Review 1352-4739 1995-1996
        550 JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 1093-474X 1967-1996
        551 JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 0021-9886 1962-1996
        552 Journal for Eighteenth‐Century Studies 1754-0194 1972-1996
        553 Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing 1539-0136 1996-1996
        554 Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 0021-8308 1971-1996
        555 Journal für Praktische Chemie 0021-8383 1834-1991
        556 Journal für Praktische Chemie/Chemiker‐Zeitung 0941-1216 1992-1998
        557 Journal of Advanced Nursing 0309-2402 1976-1996
        558 Journal of Advanced Transportation 0197-6729 1984-1996
        559 Journal of Agricultural Economics 0021-857X 1955-1996
        560 Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 0931-2250 1986-1996
        561 Journal of American Culture 0191-1813 1978-1996
        562 Journal of Analytical Psychology 0021-8774 1955-1996
        563 Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 0931-2668 1985-1996
        564 Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition 0931-2439 1986-1996
        565 Journal of Applied Bacteriology 0021-8847 1954-1996
        566 Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 0021-8855 1968-1996
        567 Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research 1071-2089 1993-1994
        568 Journal of Applied Chemistry 0021-8871 1951-1970
        569 Journal of Applied Chemistry and Biotechnology 0375-9210 1971-1977
        570 Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 1078-1196 1988-1996
        571 Journal of Applied Crystallography 1600-5767 1968-1996
        572 Journal of Applied Econometrics 0883-7252 1986-1995
        573 Journal of Applied Entomology 0931-2048 1986-1996
        574 Journal of Applied Ichthyology 0175-8659 1985-1996
        575 Journal of Applied Philosophy 0264-3758 1984-1996
        576 Journal of Applied Polymer Science 0021-8995 1959-1995
        577 Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 1360-2322 1996-1996
        578 Journal of Applied Social Psychology 0021-9029 1971-1996
        579 Journal of Applied Toxicology 0260-437X 1981-1995
        580 Journal of Art&Design Education 0260-9991 1982-1996
        581 Journal of Autonomic Pharmacology 0144-1795 1980-1996
        582 Journal of Basic Microbiology 0233-111X 1985-1997
        583 Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 0894-3257 1988-1995
        584 Journal of Biochemical and Microbiological Technology and Engineering 0368-1467 1959-1961


        Journal of Biochemical Toxicology 0887-2082 1986-1995
        586 Journal of Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence 0884-3996 1986-1995
        587 Journal of Biomedical Materials Research 0021-9304 1967-1995
        588 Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 0884-0431 1986-1996
        589 Journal of Business Finance&Accounting 0306-686X 1974-1996
        590 Journal of Cardiac Surgery 0886-0440 1986-1996
        591 Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology 1045-3873 1990-1996
        592 Journal of Cellular and Comparative Physiology 0095-9898 1932-1965
        593 Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 0730-2312 1982-1995
        594 Journal of Cellular Physiology 0021-9541 1966-1995
        595 Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 0142-0356 1978-1982
        596 Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. Biotechnology 0264-3421 1983-1985
        597 Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. Chemical Technology 0264-3413 1983-1985
        598 Journal of Chemical Technology&Biotechnology 0268-2575 1986-1995
        599 Journal of Chemometrics 0886-9383 1987-1995
        600 Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing 1073-6077 1988-1996
        601 Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 0021-9630 1960-1996
        602 Journal of Chinese Philosophy 0301-8121 1973-1996
        603 Journal of Climatology 0196-1748 1981-1988
        604 Journal of Clinical Apheresis 0733-2459 1982-1995
        605 Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis 0887-8013 1987-1995
        606 Journal of Clinical Nursing 0962-1067 1992-1996
        607 Journal of Clinical Periodontology 0303-6979 1974-1996
        608 Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics 0269-4727 1976-1996
        609 Journal of Clinical Psychology 0021-9762 1945-1995
        610 Journal of Clinical Ultrasound 0091-2751 1973-1995
        611 Journal of Combinatorial Designs 1063-8539 1993-1995
        612 Journal of Communication 0021-9916 1951-1996
        613 Journal of Community Psychology 0090-4392 1973-1995
        614 Journal of Community&Applied Social Psychology 1052-9284 1991-1995
        615 Journal of Comparative Neurology 0092-7317 1891-1995
        616 Journal of Comparative Neurology and Psychology 0092-7015 1904-1910
        617 Journal of Computational Chemistry 0192-8651 1980-1995
        618 Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 0266-4909 1985-1996
        619 Journal of Consumer Affairs 0022-0078 1967-1996
        620 Journal of Consumer Studies&Home Economics 0309-3891 1977-1996
        621 Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management 0966-0879 1993-1996
        622 Journal of Corporate Accounting&Finance 1044-8136 1989-1998
        623 Journal of Counseling&Development 0748-9633 1984-1996
        624 Journal of Cutaneous Pathology 0303-6987 1974-1996
        625 Journal of Economic Surveys 0950-0804 1987-1996
        626 Journal of Economics&Management Strategy 1058-6407 1992-1996
        627 Journal of Electron Microscopy Technique 0741-0581 1984-1991
        628 Journal of Electrophysiology 0892-1059 1987-1989
        629 Journal of Employment Counseling 0022-0787 1964-1996
        630 Journal of Engineering Education 1069-4730 1993-1996
        631 Journal of Entomology Series A, General Entomology 0047-2409 1971-1976
        632 Journal of Entomology Series B, Taxonomy 0047-2417 1971-1976
        633 Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry 1496-4155 1988-1996
        634 Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 1066-5234 1993-1996
        635 Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 1356-1294 1995-1996
        636 Journal of Experimental Zoology 0022-104X 1904-1995
        637 Journal of Financial Research 0270-2592 1978-1996
        638 Journal of Fish Biology 0022-1112 1969-1996
        639 Journal of Fish Diseases 0140-7775 1978-1996
        640 Journal of Food Biochemistry 0145-8884 1977-1996
        641 Journal of Food Lipids 1065-7258 1993-1996
        642 Journal of Food Process Engineering 0145-8876 1977-1996
        643 Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 0145-8892 1977-1996
        644 Journal of Food Quality 0146-9428 1977-1996
        645 Journal of Food Safety 0149-6085 1977-1996
        646 Journal of Food Science 0022-1147 1936-1996
        647 Journal of Forecasting 0277-6693 1982-1995
        648 Journal of Futures Markets 0270-7314 1981-1995
        649 Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 0815-9319 1986-1996
        650 Journal of Geophysical Research 0148-0227 1949-1977
        651 Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 0148-0227 1984-1996
        652 Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 0148-0227 1978-2015
        653 Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 0148-0227 1991-1996
        654 Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 0148-0227 1978-1996
        655 Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 0148-0227 1978-1996
        656 Journal of Graph Theory 0364-9024 1977-1995
        657 Journal of Healthcare Risk Management 1074-4797 1992-1996
        658 Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry 0022-152X 1964-1996
        659 Journal of High Resolution Chromatography 0935-6304 1978-1997
        660 Journal of Historical Sociology 0952-1909 1988-1996
        661 Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics 0952-3871 1988-1996
        662 Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 0964-2633 1957-1996
        663 Journal of Interior Design 1071-7641 1975-1996
        664 Journal of Internal Medicine 0954-6820 1989-1996
        665 Journal of International Development 0954-1748 1989-1995
        666 Journal of International Financial Management&Accounting 0954-1314 1989-1996
        667 Journal of Interventional Cardiology 0896-4327 1988-1996
        668 Journal of Labelled Compounds 0022-2135 1965-1975
        669 Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals 0362-4803 1976-1995
        670 Journal of Legal Studies Education 0896-5811 1983-1996
        671 Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 1053-1807 1991-1998
        672 Journal of Management Studies 0022-2380 1964-1996
        673 Journal of Marital and Family Therapy 0194-472X 1975-1996
        674 Journal of Mass Spectrometry 1076-5174 1995-1995
        675 Journal of Mathematics and Physics 0097-1421 1922-1968
        676 Journal of Medical Virology 0146-6615 1977-1995
        677 Journal of Metamorphic Geology 0263-4929 1983-1996
        678 Journal of Microscopy 0022-2720 1969-1996
        679 Journal of Molecular Recognition 0952-3499 1988-1995
        680 Journal of Morphology 0362-2525 1887-1995
        681 Journal of Multi‐Criteria Decision Analysis 1057-9214 1992-1995
        682 Journal of Neurobiology 0022-3034 1969-1995
        683 Journal of Neurochemistry 0022-3042 1956-1996
        684 Journal of Neuroendocrinology 0953-8194 1992-1996
        685 Journal of Neuroscience Research 0360-4012 1975-1995
        686 Journal of Nurse‐Midwifery 0091-2182 1973-1996
        687 Journal of Nursing Management 0966-0429 1993-1996
        688 Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1340-9654 1995-1995
        689 Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research 1341-8076 1996-1996
        690 Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 0963-1798 1992-1996
        691 Journal of Occupational Psychology 0305-8107 1975-1991
        692 Journal of Oral Pathology&Medicine 0904-2512 1972-1996
        693 Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 0305-182X 1974-1996
        694 Journal of Organizational Behavior 0894-3796 1981-1995
        695 Journal of Orthopaedic Research 0736-0266 1983-2000
        696 Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health 1034-4810 1965-1996
        697 Journal of Peptide Science 1075-2617 1995-2015
        698 Journal of Periodontal Research 0022-3484 1966-1996
        699 Journal of Personality 0022-3506 1932-1996
        700 Journal of Petroleum Geology 0141-6421 1978-1996
        701 Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 0022-3573 1949-1996
        702 Journal of Philosophy of Education 0309-8249 1967-1996
        703 Journal of Phycology 0022-3646 1965-1996
        704 Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry 0894-3230 1988-1995
        705 Journal of Phytopathology 0931-1785 1958-1996
        706 Journal of Pineal Research 0742-3098 1984-1996
        707 Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 0276-8739 1981-1995
        708 Journal of Political Philosophy 0963-8016 1993-1996
        709 Journal of Polymer Science 0022-3832 1946-1962
        710 Journal of Polymer Science Part A: General Papers 0449-2951 1963-1965
        711 Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 0887-624X 1986-1995
        712 Journal of Polymer Science Part A‐1: Polymer Chemistry 0449-296X 1966-1972
        713 Journal of Polymer Science Part A‐2: Polymer Physics 0449-2978 1966-1972
        714 Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Letters 0449-2986 1963-1972
        715 Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 0887-6266 1986-1995
        716 Journal of Polymer Science Part C: Polymer Letters 0887-6258 1986-1990
        717 Journal of Polymer Science Part C: Polymer Symposia 0449-2994 1963-1972
        718 Journal of Polymer Science: Macromolecular Reviews 0076-2083 1967-1981
        719 Journal of Polymer Science: Polymer Chemistry Edition 0360-6376 1973-1985
        720 Journal of Polymer Science: Polymer Letters Edition 0360-6384 1972-1985
        721 Journal of Polymer Science: Polymer Physics Edition 0098-1273 1973-1985
        722 Journal of Polymer Science: Polymer Symposia 0360-8905 1973-1986
        723 Journal of Popular Music Studies 1524-2226 1988-1996
        724 Journal of proceedings of the Agricultural Economics Society 1360-1261 1928-1954
        725 Journal of Product Innovation Management 0737-6782 2015-2015
        726 Journal of Prosthodontics 1059-941X 1992-1996
        727 Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 1351-0126 1994-1996
        728 Journal of Public Health Dentistry 0022-4006 1941-1996
        729 Journal of Quaternary Science 0267-8179 1986-1995
        730 Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 0377-0486 1973-1995
        731 Journal of Rapid Methods&Automation in Microbiology 1060-3999 1992-1996
        732 Journal of Regional Science 0022-4146 1958-1996
        733 Journal of Religious History 0022-4227 1960-1996
        734 Journal of Research in Reading 0141-0423 1978-1996
        735 Journal of Research in Science Teaching 0022-4308 1963-1995
        736 Journal of Robotic Systems 0741-2223 1984-1995
        737 Journal of School Health 0022-4391 1930-1996
        738 Journal of Sensory Studies 0887-8250 1986-1996
        739 Journal of Sleep Research 0962-1105 1992-1996
        740 Journal of Small Animal Practice 0022-4510 1960-1996
        741 Journal of Social Issues 0022-4537 1945-1996
        742 Journal of Social Philosophy 0047-2786 1970-1996
        743 Journal of Software Maintenance: Research and Practice 1040-550X 1989-1995
        744 Journal of Soil Science 0022-4588 1950-1993
        745 Journal of Structural Control 1122-8385 1994-2001
        746 Journal of Surgical Oncology 0022-4790 1969-1995
        747 Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 1600-5775 1994-1996
        748 Journal of Synthetic Lubrication 0265-6582 1984-2005
        749 Journal of Texture Studies 0022-4901 1969-1996
        750 Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners 1041-2972 1989-1996
        751 Journal of the American Ceramic Society 0002-7820 1918-1996
        752 Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 0002-8614 1953-1996
        753 Journal of the American Society for Information Science 0002-8231 1970-1985
        754 Journal of the British Institute of Mental Handicap (APEX) 0261-9997 1982-1993
        755 Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society 0009-4536 1954-2010
        756 Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 0926-9959 1991-1996
        757 Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior 0022-5002 1958-1996
        758 Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 0022-5061 1965-1995
        759 Journal of the Institute of Mental Subnormality (APEX) 0141-2205 1973-1981
        760 Journal of the Linnean Society of London, Botany 0368-2927 1865-1968
        761 Journal of the Linnean Society of London, Zoology 0368-2935 1866-1968
        762 Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Botany 1945-9483 1856-1865
        763 Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 1945-9475 1856-1865
        764 Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society 0368-3974 1878-1968
        765 Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 0022-5142 1950-1995
        766 Journal of the Society for Information Display 1071-0922 1993-1996
        767 Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry 0368-4075 1882-1950
        768 Journal of the Society of Dyers and Colourists 0037-9859 1884-1996
        769 Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 0893-8849 1986-1996
        770 Journal of the World Mariculture Society 0735-0147 1981-1985
        771 Journal of Time Series Analysis 0143-9782 1980-1996
        772 Journal of Urban Affairs 0735-2166 1979-1996
        773 Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care 1479-3261 1991-1996
        774 Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series A 0931-184X 1986-1996
        775 Journal of Veterinary Medicine, Series B 0931-1793 1986-1996
        776 Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 0140-7783 1978-1996
        777 Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology 1083-5601 1995-1995
        778 Journal of Vinyl Technology 0193-7197 1979-1994
        779 Journal of Viral Hepatitis 1352-0504 1994-1996
        780 Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 0947-5745 1963-1995
        781 Journal of Zoology 0952-8369 1966-1996
        782 Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie 0075-4617 1840-1978
        783 Juvenile and Family Court Journal 0161-7109 1953-1996
        784 Juvenile Court Judges Journal 0022-7153 1949-1971
        785 Juvenile Justice 0093-7231 1972-1977
        786 Kristall und Technik 0023-4753 1966-1981
        787 Kyklos 0023-5962 1947-1996
        788 LABOUR 1121-7081 1987-1996
        789 Lakes&Reservoirs: Research&Management 1320-5331 1995-1996
        790 Land Degradation&Development 1085-3278 1989-1995
        791 Language Learning 0023-8333 1948-1996
        792 Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 0196-8092 1980-1995
        793 Law&Policy 0265-8240 1979-1996
        794 Leader to Leader 1087-8149 1996-1999
        795 Legal and Criminological Psychology 1355-3259 1996-2015
        796 Legal Studies 0261-3875 1981-1996
        797 Lethaia 0024-1164 1968-1996
        798 Letters in Applied Microbiology 0266-8254 1985-1996
        799 Liebigs Annalen 0947-3440 1995-1997
        800 Liebigs Annalen der Chemie 0170-2041 1979-1994
        801 Lipid / Fett 0931-5985 1987-1997
        802 Liver 0106-9543 1981-1996
        803 Lubrication Science 0954-0075 1988-2005
        804 Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 1022-1352 1994-1997
        805 Macromolecular Rapid Communications 1022-1336 1994-1997
        806 Macromolecular Symposia 1022-1360 1994-1999
        807 Macromolecular Theory and Simulations 1022-1344 1992-1997
        808 Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 0749-1581 1985-1995
        809 Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 0740-3194 1984-1998
        810 Makromolekulare Chemie. Macromolecular Symposia 0258-0322 1986-1993
        811 Mammal Review 0305-1838 1970-1996
        812 Managerial and Decision Economics 0143-6570 1980-1995
        813 Mankind 0025-2328 1931-1989
        814 Marine Ecology 0173-9565 1980-1996
        815 Marine Mammal Science 0824-0469 1985-1996
        816 Mass Spectrometry Reviews 0277-7037 1982-1995
        817 Materials and Corrosion 0947-5117 1950-1997
        818 Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik 0933-5137 1970-1998
        819 Mathematical Finance 0960-1627 1991-1996
        820 Mathematical Logic Quarterly 0942-5616 1955-1999
        821 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 0170-4214 1979-1995
        822 Mathematische Nachrichten 0025-584X 1948-1999
        823 Mediation Quarterly 0739-4098 1983-2001
        824 Medical and Pediatric Oncology 0098-1532 1975-1995
        825 Medical and Veterinary Entomology 0269-283X 1987-1996
        826 Medicinal Research Reviews 0198-6325 1981-1995
        827 Medicinskt Archiv 0369-4879 1863-1868
        828 Mental Handicap Research 0952-9608 1988-1995
        829 Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews 1080-4013 1995-2007
        830 Metaphilosophy 0026-1068 1970-1996
        831 Meteoritics 0026-1114 1953-1995
        832 Meteoritics&Planetary Science 1086-9379 1996-1996
        833 Meteorological Applications 1350-4827 1994-1996
        834 Metroeconomica 0026-1386 1949-1996
        835 Microcirculation 1073-9688 1994-1996
        836 Microscopy Research and Technique 1059-910X 1992-1995
        837 Microsurgery 0738-1085 1979-1995
        838 Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 0895-2477 1988-1995
        839 Middle East Policy 1061-1924 1992-1996
        840 Midwest Studies In Philosophy 0363-6550 1976-1995
        841 Migracion 1024-7890 1961-1961
        842 Migration 0540-0074 1962-1962
        843 Milton Quarterly 0026-4326 1967-1996
        844 Mind&Language 0268-1064 1986-1996
        845 Modern Theology 0266-7177 1984-1996
        846 Molecular Carcinogenesis 0899-1987 1988-1995
        847 Molecular Ecology 0962-1083 1992-1996
        848 Molecular Microbiology 0950-382X 1987-1996
        849 Molecular Reproduction and Development 1040-452X 1988-1995
        850 Movement Disorders 0885-3185 1986-1998
        851 Muscle&Nerve 0148-639X 1978-1995
        852 Museum International 1350-0775 1948-1996
        853 Mycoses 0933-7407 1957-1994
        854 Nachrichten aus Chemie und Technik 0027-738X 1953-1975
        855 Nachrichten aus Chemie, Technik und Laboratorium 0341-5163 1976-1999
        856 Nachrichten aus der Chemie 1439-9598 2000-2006
        857 National Civic Review 0027-9013 1959-1997
        858 National Municipal Review 0190-3799 1912-1958
        859 National Productivity Review 0277-8556 1981-2012
        860 National Vocational Guidance Bulletin 2164-5825 1921-1924
        861 Nations and Nationalism 1354-5078 1995-1996
        862 Natural Gas 0743-5665 1986-2000
        863 Natural Resources Forum 0165-0203 1976-1996
        864 Natural Toxins 1056-9014 1992-1995
        865 Naval Research Logistics (NRL) 0894-069X 1987-1995
        866 Naval Research Logistics Quarterly 0028-1441 1954-1986
        867 Navigation 0028-1522 1946-1996
        868 Negotiation Journal 0748-4526 1985-1996
        869 Nephrology 1320-5358 1995-1996
        870 Networks 0028-3045 1971-1995
        871 Neurogastroenterology&Motility 1350-1925 1989-1996
        872 Neuropathology 0919-6544 1993-1996
        873 Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology 0305-1846 1975-1996
        874 Neurourology and Urodynamics 0733-2467 1982-1995
        875 New Blackfriars 0028-4289 1920-1996
        876 New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education 1052-2891 1979-1996
        877 New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development 1520-3247 1978-2000
        878 New Directions for Community Colleges 0194-3081 1973-1996
        879 New Directions for Evaluation 1097-6736 1995-2000
        880 New Directions for Higher Education 0271-0560 1973-1996
        881 New Directions for Institutional Research 0271-0579 1974-1996
        882 New Directions for Mental Health Services 0193-9416 1979-2001
        883 New Directions for Philanthropic Fundraising 1072-172X 1993-1997
        884 New Directions for Program Evaluation 0164-7989 1978-1995
        885 New Directions for Student Services 0164-7970 1978-1996
        886 New Directions for Teaching and Learning 0271-0633 1980-1996
        887 New Directions for Youth Development 1533-8916 2001-2001
        888 New Economy 1070-3535 1994-1996
        889 New Horizons in Adult Education and Human Resource Development 1939-4225 1987-1996
        890 New Technology, Work and Employment 0268-1072 1986-1996
        891 New Zealand Geographer 0028-8144 1945-1996
        892 New Zealand Journal of Geography 0028-8292 1969-1996
        893 NMR in Biomedicine 0952-3480 1988-1995
        894 Nonprofit Management and Leadership 1048-6682 1990-1997
        895 Nordic Journal of Botany 0107-055X 1981-1996
        896 Nordiskt Medicinskt Arkiv 0365-3250 1869-1918
        897 NSPI Journal 0027-7002 1962-1980
        898 NSPI Newsletter 0090-8118 1972-1975
        899 Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 1070-5325 1994-1995
        900 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 0749-159X 1985-1995
        901 Nursing Forum 0029-6473 1961-1996
        902 Nursing Inquiry 1320-7881 1994-1996
        903 Nutrition Bulletin 1471-9827 1968-1996
        904 Occupational Therapy International 0966-7903 1994-1996
        905 Occupations: The Vocational Guidance Journal 2164-5841 1934-1952
        906 Oceania 0029-8077 1930-1996
        907 OPEC Review 0277-0180 1976-1996
        908 Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 0275-5408 1981-1996
        909 Optimal Control Applications and Methods 0143-2087 1980-1994
        910 Oral Diseases 1354-523X 1995-1996
        911 Oral Microbiology and Immunology 0902-0055 1986-1996
        912 Orbis Litterarum 0105-7510 1943-1996
        913 Organic Magnetic Resonance 0030-4921 1969-1984
        914 Organic Mass Spectrometry 0030-493X 1968-1994
        915 Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 0305-9049 1973-1996
        916 Oxford Journal of Archaeology 0262-5253 1982-1996
        917 Pacific Economic Review 1361-374X 1996-1996
        918 Pacific Focus 1225-4657 1986-1996
        919 Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology 0147-8389 1978-1996
        920 Packaging Technology and Science 0894-3214 1988-1995
        921 Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology 0269-5022 1987-1996
        922 Paleoceanography 0883-8305 1986-1996
        923 Papers in Regional Science 1056-8190 1955-1996
        924 Parasite Immunology 0141-9838 1979-1996
        925 Parliamentary History 0264-2824 1982-1996
        926 Particle&Particle Systems Characterization 0934-0866 1984-1997
        927 Pathology International 1320-5463 1951-1996
        928 Peace&Change 0149-0508 1972-1996
        929 Pediatric Allergy and Immunology 0905-6157 1990-1996
        930 Pediatric Anesthesia 1155-5645 1991-1996
        931 Pediatric Dermatology 0736-8046 1983-1996
        932 Pediatric Pulmonology 8755-6863 1985-1996
        933 Pediatrics International 1328-8067 1958-1996
        934 Performance + Instruction 0884-1985 1985-1996
        935 Performance Improvement 1090-8811 1997-2005
        936 Performance Improvement Quarterly 0898-5952 1988-1996
        937 Performance&Instruction 0273-5326 1981-1982
        938 Performance&Instruction Journal 8750-0191 1983-1984
        939 Periodontology 2000 0906-6713 1993-1996
        940 Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 1045-6740 1990-1995
        941 Personal Relationships 1350-4126 1994-1996
        942 Personnel Psychology 0031-5826 1948-1996
        943 Perspectives in Healthcare Risk Management 0899-1073 1984-1992
        944 Perspectives in Psychiatric Care 0031-5990 1963-1996
        945 Pesticide Science 0031-613X 1970-1995
        946 Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 1053-8569 1992-1995
        947 Pharmacology&Toxicology 0901-9928 1987-1996
        948 Pharmacotherapy: The Journal of Human Pharmacology and Drug Therapy 0277-0008 1981-1996
        949 Pharmacy and Pharmacology Communications 1460-8081 1995-1996
        950 Pharmazie in unserer Zeit 0048-3664 1972-2000
        951 Philosophical Books 0031-8051 1960-1996
        952 Philosophical Investigations 0190-0536 1978-1996
        953 Photochemistry and Photobiology 0031-8655 1962-1996
        954 physica status solidi (a) 0031-8965 1970-1996
        955 physica status solidi (b) 0370-1972 1961-1996
        956 Physik in unserer Zeit 0031-9252 1970-1999
        957 Physiologia Plantarum 0031-9317 1948-1996
        958 Physiological Entomology 0307-6962 1976-1996
        959 Phytochemical Analysis 0958-0344 1990-1995
        960 Phytotherapy Research 0951-418X 1987-1995
        961 Pigment Cell Research 0893-5785 1987-1996
        962 Plant Breeding 0179-9541 1986-1996
        963 Plant Pathology 0032-0862 1952-1996
        964 Plant Species Biology 0913-557X 1986-1996
        965 Plant, Cell&Environment 0140-7791 1978-1996
        966 Plant/Operations Progress 0278-4513 1982-1992
        967 Policy Studies Journal 0190-292X 1972-1996
        968 Polymer Composites 0272-8397 1980-1995
        969 Polymer Engineering&Science 0032-3888 1961-1995
        970 Polymer International 0959-8103 1991-1995
        971 Polymers for Advanced Technologies 1042-7147 1990-1995
        972 Practical Diabetes International 1357-8170 1984-1999
        973 Prenatal Diagnosis 0197-3851 1981-1995
        974 Proceedings of the annual meeting ‐ World Mariculture Society 0164-0399 1974-1978
        975 Proceedings of the annual workshop ‐ World Mariculture Society 1043-5166 1970-1973
        976 Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London 1472-0949 1926-1933
        977 Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 1065-9889 1982-1998
        978 Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London 0370-0461 1839-1968
        979 Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London 1472-0981 1933-1936
        980 Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London. Series A, General Entomology 0375-0418 1936-1970
        981 Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London. Series B, Taxonomy 0375-0434 1932-1970
        982 Proceedings of the Society for Applied Bacteriology 0370-1778 1945-1953
        983 Proceedings of the Society of Agricultural Bacteriologists 0370-1786 1938-1944
        984 Proceedings of the World Mariculture Society 0748-3260 1979-1980
        985 Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 0370-2774 1830-1965
        986 Process Safety Progress 1066-8527 1993-1998
        987 Production and Operations Management 1059-1478 1992-1996
        988 Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 1062-7995 1993-1995
        989 Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics 0721-3115 1976-1997
        990 Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 0887-3585 1986-1995
        991 Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 1323-1316 1933-1996
        992 Psychology in the Schools 0033-3085 1964-1995
        993 Psychology&Marketing 0742-6046 1984-1995
        994 Psychophysiology 0048-5772 1964-1996
        995 Psycho‐Oncology 1057-9249 1992-1995
        996 Public Administration 0033-3298 1923-1996
        997 Public Administration and Development 0271-2075 1981-1995
        998 Public Budgeting&Finance 0275-1100 1981-1996
        999 Public Health Nursing 0737-1209 1984-1996
        1000 Quality and Reliability Engineering International 0748-8017 1985-1995
        1001 Quantitative Structure‐Activity Relationships 0931-8771 1982-1997
        1002 Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 0035-9009 1873-2001
        1003 R&D Management 0033-6807 1970-1996
        1004 Radiation Oncology Investigations 1065-7541 1993-1995
        1005 Radio Science 0048-6604 1969-1996
        1006 Random Structures&Algorithms 1042-9832 1990-1995
        1007 Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 0951-4198 1987-1995
        1008 Ratio 0034-0006 1988-1996
        1009 Ratio Juris 0952-1917 1988-1996
        1010 Reading 0034-0472 1967-1996
        1011 Real Estate Economics 1080-8620 1973-1996
        1012 Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays‐Bas 0165-0513 1882-1996
        1013 Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays‐Bas et de la Belgique 0370-7539 1897-1919
        1014 Regulated Rivers: Research&Management 0886-9375 1987-1995
        1015 Rehabilitation Nursing 0278-4807 1978-1996
        1016 Religious Studies Review 0319-485X 1975-1996
        1017 Remediation Journal 1051-5658 1990-2000
        1018 Renaissance Studies 0269-1213 1987-1996
        1019 Repertorium novarum specierum regni vegetabilis 0375-121X 1905-1963
        1020 Reproduction in Domestic Animals 0936-6768 1966-1996
        1021 Research in Nursing&Health 0160-6891 1978-1995
        1022 Research Intelligence 0307-9023 1975-1977
        1023 Respirology 1323-7799 1996-1996
        1024 Restoration Ecology 1061-2971 1993-1996
        1025 Review of European Community&International Environmental Law 0962-8797 1992-1996
        1026 Review of Income and Wealth 0034-6586 1951-1996
        1027 Review of International Economics 0965-7576 1992-1996
        1028 Review of Policy Research 1541-132X 1981-1995
        1029 Review of Progress in Coloration and Related Topics 0557-9325 1967-1996
        1030 Review of Urban&Regional Development Studies 0917-0553 1989-1996
        1031 Reviews in Medical Virology 1052-9276 1991-1995
        1032 Reviews in Religion&Theology 1350-7303 1994-1996
        1033 Reviews of Geophysics 8755-1209 1963-1996
        1034 Risk Analysis 0272-4332 1981-1996
        1035 Rural Sociology 0036-0112 1990-1996
        1036 Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences 0283-9318 1987-1996
        1037 Scandinavian Journal of Haematology 0036-553X 1964-1986
        1038 Scandinavian Journal of Immunology 0300-9475 1972-1996
        1039 Scandinavian Journal of Medicine&Science in Sports 0905-7188 1991-1996
        1040 Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 0036-5564 1960-1996
        1041 Scandinavian Journal of Social Welfare 0907-2055 1992-1996
        1042 Scandinavian Political Studies 0080-6757 1966-1996
        1043 Scanning 0161-0457 1978-1996
        1044 School Science and Mathematics 0036-6803 1901-1996
        1045 Science Education 0036-8326 1930-2015
        1046 Scottish Journal of Political Economy 0036-9292 1954-1996
        1047 Sedimentology 0037-0746 1962-1996
        1048 Seminars in Dialysis 0894-0959 1988-1996
        1049 Seminars in Surgical Oncology 8756-0437 1985-1995
        1050 Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 0129-7619 1980-1996
        1051 Skandinavisches Archiv Für Physiologie 0370-839X 1940-1940
        1052 Skin Research and Technology 0909-752X 1995-1996
        1053 Small 1613-6810 2015-2015
        1054 Social Anthropology 0964-0282 1992-1996
        1055 Social Development 0961-205X 1992-1996
        1056 Social Policy&Administration 0144-5596 1967-1996
        1057 Sociologia Ruralis 0038-0199 1960-1996
        1058 Sociological Inquiry 0038-0245 1961-1996
        1059 Software Testing, Verification and Reliability 0960-0833 1991-1995
        1060 Software: Practice and Experience 0038-0644 1971-1995
        1061 Soil Use and Management 0266-0032 1985-1996
        1062 South African Journal of Economics 0038-2280 1933-1996
        1063 Southeastern Political Review 0730-2177 1981-1996
        1064 Special Care in Dentistry 0275-1879 1981-1996
        1065 Starch ‐ Stärke 0038-9056 1949-1997
        1066 Statistica Neerlandica 0039-0402 1946-1996
        1067 Statistics in Medicine 0277-6715 1982-1995
        1068 STEM CELLS 1066-5099 1993-1995
        1069 Strain 0039-2103 1965-1996
        1070 Strategic Change 1086-1718 1992-1995
        1071 Strategic Management Journal 0143-2095 1980-1995
        1072 Stress Medicine 0748-8386 1985-1995
        1073 Studia Linguistica 0039-3193 1947-1996
        1074 Studies in Applied Mathematics 0022-2526 1969-1996
        1075 Suicide and Life‐Threatening Behavior 0363-0234 1971-1996
        1076 Support for Learning 0268-2141 1986-1996
        1077 Surface and Interface Analysis 0142-2421 1979-1995
        1078 Sustainable Development 0968-0802 1993-1995
        1079 Synapse 0887-4476 1987-1995
        1080 System Dynamics Review 0883-7066 1985-1995
        1081 Systematic Entomology 0307-6970 1976-1996
        1082 Systems and Computers in Japan 0882-1666 1985-1996
        1083 Systems Research 0731-7239 1984-1995
        1084 Teaching Statistics 0141-982X 1979-1996
        1085 Tectonics 0278-7407


        1086 Teratogenesis, Carcinogenesis, and Mutagenesis 0270-3211 1981-1995
        1087 Teratology 0040-3709 1968-1995
        1088 Terra Nova 0954-4879 1989-1996
        1089 TESOL Quarterly 0039-8322 1981-1996
        1090 The American Journal on Addictions 1055-0496 1992-1996
        1091 The Anatomical Record 0003-276X 1906-1995
        1092 The Art Book 1368-6267 1994-1996
        1093 The Australasian Journal of Optometry 0817-881X 1919-1959
        1094 The Australian Journal of Anthropology 1035-8811 1990-1996
        1095 The Australian Journal of Optometry 0045-0642 1959-1985
        1096 The Breast Journal 1075-122X 1995-1996
        1097 The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 0008-4034 1958-1996
        1098 The Career Development Quarterly 0889-4019 1986-1996
        1099 The Catholic Counselor and Readings 2164-5086 1956-1964
        1100 The Ecumenical Review 0013-0796 1948-1996
        1101 The Heythrop Journal 0018-1196 1960-1996
        1102 The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice 0265-5527 1921-1996
        1103 The International Executive 0020-6652 1959-1997
        1104 The International Journal of Cell Cloning 0737-1454 1983-1992
        1105 The International Journal of Health Planning and Management 0749-6753 1985-1995
        1106 The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 0091-2700 1974-1996
        1107 The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and New Drugs 0021-9754 1971-1973
        1108 The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and The Journal of New Drugs 0095-9863 1967-1970
        1109 The Journal of Creative Behavior 0022-0175 1967-1996
        1110 The Journal of Dermatology 0385-2407 1974-1996
        1111 The Journal of Finance 0022-1082 1946-1996
        1112 The Journal of New Drugs 0096-0284 1961-1966
        1113 The Journal of Pathology 0022-3417 1969-1995
        1114 The Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology 0368-3494 1892-1968
        1115 The Journal of Popular Culture 0022-3840 1967-1996
        1116 The Journal of Protozoology 0022-3921 1954-1992
        1117 The Journal of Rural Health 0890-765X 1985-1996
        1118 The Journal of The Asian federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 0377-0532 1970-1977
        1119 The Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 1049-8907 1990-1995
        1120 The Laryngoscope 0023-852X 1896-1996
        1121 The Manchester School 1463-6786 1930-1996
        1122 The Microscopic Journal and Structural Record 2047-9751 1841-1841
        1123 The Monthly Microscopical Journal 2047-1491 1869-1877
        1124 The Muslim World 0027-4909 1911-1996
        1125 The National Catholic Guidance Conference Journal 2164-5124 1964-1973
        1126 The National Teaching&Learning Forum 1057-2880 1991-1996
        1127 The Personnel and Guidance Journal 0031-5737 1952-1984
        1128 The Photogrammetric Record 0031-868X 1953-1996
        1129 The Political Quarterly 0032-3179 1930-1996
        1130 The Prostate 0270-4137 1980-1995
        1131 The Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 0035-9009 1985-1985
        1132 The Sciences 0036-861X 1961-2001
        1133 The Southern Journal of Philosophy 0038-4283 1963-1996
        1134 The Structural Design of Tall Buildings 1062-8002 1992-1995
        1135 The Transactions of the Zoological Society of London 0084-5620 1834-1984
        1136 The Vocational Guidance Magazine 2164-5833 1924-1936
        1137 The World Economy 0378-5920 1979-1987
        1138 Theoria 0040-5825 1935-1996
        1139 Thunderbird International Business Review 1096-4762 1998-1999
        1140 Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie 0040-747X 1967-1996
        1141 Tissue Antigens 0001-2815 1971-1996
        1142 Toxicity Assessment 0884-8181 1986-1990
        1143 Transactions in GIS 1361-1682 1996-2015
        1144 Transactions of the Microscopical Society of London 2047-1483 1844-1852
        1145 Transactions of The Microscopical Society&Journal 0962-7375 1842-1868
        1146 Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences 0028-7113 1881-1983
        1147 Transactions of the Philological Society 0079-1636 1854-1996
        1148 Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 0035-8894 1836-1975
        1149 Transfusion 0041-1132 1961-1996
        1150 Transfusion Medicine 0958-7578 1991-1996
        1151 Tribotest 1354-4063 1994-2005
        1152 Vakuum in Forschung und Praxis 0947-076X 1989-1999
        1153 Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia 1467-2987 1970-1996
        1154 Veterinary Clinical Pathology 0275-6382 1977-1996
        1155 Veterinary Dermatology 0959-4493 1990-1996
        1156 Veterinary Radiology 0196-3627 1960-1991
        1157 Veterinary Radiology&Ultrasound 1058-8183 1992-1996
        1158 Veterinary Surgery 0161-3499 1971-1996
        1159 Vocational Guidance Quarterly 0042-7764 1952-1986
        1160 Vox Sanguinis 0042-9007 1956-1996
        1161 Water and Environment Journal 1747-6585 1987-1996
        1162 Water Resources Research 0043-1397 1965-1996
        1163 Weather 0043-1656 1946-1996
        1164 Weed Research 0043-1737 1961-1996
        1165 Wentia 0511-4780 1959-1966
        1166 World Economy 0378-5920 1977-1996
        1167 World Englishes 0883-2919 1981-1996
        1168 Wound Repair and Regeneration 1067-1927 1993-1996
        1169 Xenotransplantation 0908-665X 1994-2015
        1170 X‐Ray Spectrometry 0049-8246 1972-1995
        1171 Yeast 0749-503X 1985-1995
        1172 ZAAC ‐ Journal of Inorganic and General Chemistry 0044-2313 1950-1997
        1173 ZAMM ‐ Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics / Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 0044-2267 1921-1997
        1174 Zeitschrift für allgemeine Mikrobiologie 0044-2208 1960-1984
        1175 Zeitschrift für Angewandte Entomologie 0044-2240 1914-1985
        1176 Zeitschrift für anorganische Chemie 0863-1778 1892-1950
        1177 Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie 0863-1786 1915-1962
        1178 Zeitschrift für Chemie 0044-2402 1961-1990
        1179 Zeitschrift für Elektrochemie 0372-8323 1895-1903
        1180 Zeitschrift für Elektrochemie und angewandte physikalische Chemie 0372-8323 1904-1951
        1181 Zeitschrift für Elektrochemie, Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für physikalische Chemie 0005-9021 1952-1962
        1182 Zeitschrift für Elektrotechnik und Elektrochemie 0372-8323 1894-1895
        1183 Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde 0044-3263 1967-1998
        1184 Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Düngung, A, Wissenschaftlicher Teil 0372-851X 1922-1926
        1185 Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung, Düngung, Bodenkunde 0372-9702 1927-1966
        1186 Zeitschrift für Tierernährung und Futtermittelkunde 0373-0069 1938-1957
        1187 Zeitschrift für Tierphysiologie Tierernährung und Futtermittelkunde 0044-3565 1958-1985
        1188 Zeitschrift für Tierpsychologie 0044-3573 1937-1985
        1189 Zeitschrift für Tierzüchtung und Züchtungsbiologie 0044-3581 1939-1984
        1190 Zeitschrift für Tierzüchtung und Züchtungsbiologie einschließlich Tierernährung 0179-9770 1924-1934
        1191 Zeitschrift für Züchtung. Reihe B, Tierzüchtung und Züchtungsbiologie einschließlich Tierernährung 0179-9789 1934-1938
        1192 Zentralblatt für Veterinärmedizin 0044-4294 1954-1962
        1193 Zentralblatt für Veterinärmedizin Reihe A 0177-0543 1963-1985
        1194 Zentralblatt für Veterinärmedizin Reihe B 0931-2021 1963-1985
        1195 Zoo Biology 0733-3188 1982-1996
        1196 Zoologica Scripta 0300-3256 1971-1996
        1197 Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 0024-4082 1969-1996