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        --〉按回溯数据库浏览: Springer     OUP     Nature     IOP     Turpion     OVID     RSC     BMJ     IET     ADIS     AIP     NRC     RSNA     MAL     Karger     WILEY     Taylor     [ASPB]     JAMA     Degruyter     NEJM    
        The American Society of Plant Biologists was founded in 1924 to promote the growth and development of plant biology, to encourage and publish research in plant biology, and to promote the interests, growth, and education of plant scientists in general. https://aspb.org/
        高级检索 期刊浏览



        共 2 种期刊

        序号 刊名 ISSN 收录起止年
        1 Plant Physiology 0032-0889 1926-1997
        2 The Plant cell 1040-4651 1989-1997